Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Of all the j-schools in all the towns in all the world

First, a Tamil folk fanfare of Thappatam drumming and dance. Next, a haunting student performance of war-torn poetry from around the world. And then, Eve Ensler seized the stage at ACJ. 

Break taboos, she told the future journalists. "Engineer miracles." "Find an objective." "Use passion as a methodology." 

Ensler, author of the Vagina Monologues, founder of "1 Billion Rising" - a "global day of action and dancing in protest against violence against women" - and my former Middlebury classmate, had come to town for a wedding and visited the school at the behest of a friend. 

Cultural context got lost in the conversation. No mention was made of Indian history; neither the celebration of sexuality found in the country's ancient  traditions, nor the lasting stranglehold of colonial prudery. Instead, Ensler urged students to just say no to rape, female genital mutilation, domestic violence, lousy sex and predatory corporations that kindle violence against women. And when they were overcome by emotional pain, get up and dance, Ensler commanded.
"It's formidable and liberating," she said. "It's the gateway to consciousness."

Traditional Tamil folk dance, performed non-traditionally by women. (In foreground: Eve Ensler's personal videographer.) 

Poetry reading

Panel discussion on using the arts to overcome violence.

Of course I did. 

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