Saturday, February 20, 2016

Scenes from an Indian Wedding


ACJ student Sowmya Murali appeared  in this blog two years ago as my companion and Tamil interpreter during a field trip to Dharmapuri.

                                                            She's back as a beautiful bride.

 Last Saturday, 600 guests gathered in the Sri Kuchalambal wedding hall for the reception. Sowmya                                                          and Sridhar greeted every one of them.

The groom and his parents as the evening begins. 


Wedding duds. No sari. Too dangerous. 

The priest.

Veena master Rajhesh Vaidhya and his band gave a mesmerizing "fusion" performance. check him out: 

Signing the "Wishing Tree" 


Traditional Tamil meal at the reception. 

Nearly as many staff as guests!  

Curd rice in bulk.  

On Sunday morning, the marriage ceremony took place. The groom made a mock pilgrimage to Varanasi, but is persuaded by the bride's father to return and marry.

In a raucous ceremony, bride and groom are hoisted onto the shoulders of relatives to exchange three garlands each..

 According to custom, the couple sits on an "oongal," the swing of the gods, and sway in harmony to the rhythms of life. 

In front of the couple, a plate of colored rice is waved in a circular motion to win favor with evil spirits. 

Non-stop photo op. 

Serenading  Sowmya and Sridhar. 

Sowmya live on the big screen.

Jasmine and gorgeous silk saris.

 Sourina, another ACJ grad, with Sowmya. 

1 comment:

  1. so much more interesting than a justice-of-the-peace ceremony, and you look like a blushing bride yourself!
