Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Great to be back!

From the Times of India:

"No, this isn't some movie script. These were scenes played out during a marriage ceremony at the Kollapuradamma hall, Kunigal, Tumakuru district.

On Sunday , 300-odd guests were in for a rude shock after a 27-year-old bridegroom from Bengaluru refused to tie the knot.Reason: His family was upset about the quality of food served at the reception held on the eve of the wedding.

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The girls good luck...she was saved marrying a moron.Sreeprasad shetty

But, in a happy twist of fate, a distant relative of the bride who had come to attend the wedding volunteered to marry the dejected girl.

According to those present at the wedding, the groom's parents picked up a quarrel with the girl's family over the poor quality of rasam and sambar served at the reception on Saturday . The groom who was busy with the rituals stood up in his parents' defence, and soon the family left the venue in a huff.

Flummoxed, the girl's family failed to understand what led the boy to leave the wedding midway , especially because the alliance had happened with the duo's consent. "We were let down in front of our guests. The groom could have informed us earlier if he wasn't happy with this alliance. Luckily , god came to our rescue," said one of the girl's family members on condition of anonymity."

                                Note: Rasam is a spicy, Indian soup with a tamarind base.

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