Saturday, January 11, 2014

Family adventure (cont'd and condensed)

Tom encircles the iron pillar at Qutab Minar in Delhi so that his wish comes true.

Tuk tuk to the Taj 

Selfie Boys 

Trucking vividly

Henry cozy in Delhi 

Releasing lanterns on the Ganga 

Varanasi in Venetian pastels



Varanasi from the roof of your guesthouse (minus the monkeys)

Tom and our guide standing by wood gathered and sold for funeral pyres

Goodnight to the Ganga; a nightly ritual with trippy power, kind of a Hindu rave. 

Ben and Grace  

Lunch chez Alphonse 

Mylapore Temple and sons 

Gandhi  monument/playground in Pondicherry

Kolam contest in Pondicherry. The photographer's dad stopped at every entry so she could snap a photo.

Kolam PSA 

Pilgrims in Pondicherry. 

Ben backing Krishna's Butterball in Mahaballapuram.

Auroville: The orb knows all 

Ben and his goddess

Chennai: January 1, 2014 


  1. Terrific pictures! What did people do before cameras and camera phones?
    Sit and sketch at these amazing places?

  2. These are wonderful photos! I REALLY love the one of the four of you releasing the lanterns. It's dark and moody and serene and beautiful. Something about it says "love" to me. Gotta frame that one!
