Saturday, October 26, 2013

My students

   Today in my Literary Journalism course, we discussed "When Man Falls,a Crowd Gathers," Stephen Crane's famous slice-of-life vignette first published in The New York Press in  1894. Some saw the story as a parable that bordered on fiction yet spoke to a universal truth about human behavior. Others argued that it was too short on facts and too heavy with assumptions on Crane's behalf to qualify as anything but fiction. They're diving wholeheartedly into that enormous, gray expanse that comprises literary journalism, making the class a joy so far. The students are also comfortable giving presentations on readings, discussing the plight of transgender people in  India, communal strife, caste, cricket and Hunter S. Thompson. By and large, an astute, lively group!    


1 comment:

  1. This sounds great, Stephanie -- like any teacher's dream! I can't think of anyone better than you to help lead a discussion about all things literary and journalistic. Wish I was there to chime in!
